
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act may impact small business in more ways than one. While the legislation was designed to improve healthcare and take the strain of paying for employee benefits off of overburdened small businesses, many micro-entrepreneurs feel that the PPACA will make purchasing worksite benefits more expensive, according to the National Federation of Independent Business.

Although the PPACA was designed to act as an incentive to small business owners that offer employee benefits packages and healthcare coverage, many benefit-free companies are likely to remain as such. Of the businesses polled that do not currently offer employer supported health insurance, 87 percent stated that the legislation was either "not too likely" or "not at all likely" to prompt them to offer their staff more worksite benefits in the future, according to NFIB.

Furthermore, business owners expressed sentiments that tax incentives targeted at incentivizing health insurance coverage would only benefit those who already offer plans.

"When it comes to health-insurance reform, perception is reality," explained William Dennis of NFIB. "The majority of America’s small employers simply do not believe that the law will accomplish most of what it promised to do."