
Business owners who use human resource software or HR management software may be interested in some new numbers released by Verizon.

The telecommunications company recently unveiled its "Data Breach Investigations Reports," which analyzes the types of cyber threats business owners in various industries – such as financial services, healthcare, retail and hospitality – face.

Wade Baker, managing principal for Verizon, indicated that these reports should give company owners an understanding of what may be at stake when their data systems are hacked into.

"Understanding what happens when a data breach occurs is critical to proactive prevention," said Baker. "Through our more targeted analysis, we are hoping to provide answers to businesses around the globe that want to protect not only their data but their reputation."

For example, some of the biggest issues that the financial and insurance sector faces relates to hackers targeting these companies' money, attempting to access it through internal accounts or through fraud. Companies may be able to improve their security by implementing more rigorous HR compliance directives and training programs.